Kasumi Kingston
Alias: Sailor Sun
Kasumi is the the daughter of mob lord Tenzen Kingston, and ex-assasin Tamono Mikasa. She is the second, only nine tailed vulepkin to exist, due to her father being the only other to exist. Vulepkin used to be extremely powerful and sport nine tails. However, after a peace treaty was made between planet Inari and the moon kingdom, their tails were reduced to two. Tenzen however, fled before it happened and returned to only land on earth and become the lord of the infamous Yakuza.
Garnetta Mifune
Adopted: Garnetta San
An eight year old little girl, born with the power to turn anyone into immobile, but living dolls.
Born to Lauretta Mifune and Hojo Mifune, all seemed happy....until Lauretta stopped taking her mental medications out of frustration and went on a downward, mental spiral.